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來源:鄭州巴特計量泵 發布時間:2013-11-02 08:34:23 瀏覽次數:

  熔體泵概述 General Information


  Melt pump is mainly used in high temperature and high viscosity polymer melt transportation, pressurization, metering. The melt pump pressurizes and stabilizes pressure of hot melt polymers coming from the extruder, then send them into extruder dies. The pump's ability of stabilizing the pressure and flow is better than all kinds of extruders. Foreign countries widely apply in plastic, resin, rubber extrusion, such as pelletizing, film, pipes, plate, etc. With the increasing development of mechanical industries, melt pump is increasingly accepted and applied by domestic.

  雙曲線齒形設計Hyperbolic tooth shape design

  壓力脈動率更低 Lower pressure pulsation rate

  防止剪切熱產生Preventing shear heat

  非接觸免維護 Non-contact Free maintenance

  螺旋密封設計Helical sealing design

  無后顧之憂Free from any worries

  的流道設計Advanced flow design

  熔體停留時間短 Short residence time of melt stream

  適用熱敏性材料Suitable for heat-sensitive material

  專業輔助設計軟件 Professional auxiliary software design

  優化軸承潤滑設計 Advanced bear lubrication design

  有效延長使用壽命 Prolonging the service life

主要聯系方式: 國內銷售部:0371-67993077 67993177
國外銷售部:0371-61682066 61682088

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